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State-recognized "Christian grammar school" Jena

Pupils are admitted to our state-recognized school regardless of their religious or ideological beliefs. We celebrate church services together on a weekly basis.

In the subject "Global Learning", the topics of social behaviour, diaconal work, ecology, health education, responsibility and globalization are dealt with in a project- and action-oriented manner.

All teachers focus on the individual support of pupils and work together to implement interdisciplinary projects and individual learning time. As an open all-day school, we offer a wide range of study groups, homework supervision and the opportunity to work in the self-study center until 4:30 pm.


Protestant School Foundation in Central Germany

Brief information

  • Classes 5 - 12
  • No mixed year groups
  • 500 pupils in the 2023/2024 school year
  • Possible qualifications: Abitur, academic part of the Fachhochschulreife, a qualification equivalent to the Realschulabschluss, a qualification equivalent to the Hauptschulabschluss
  • Building accessibility: yes


"Christian grammar school


State-recognized "Christian grammar school" Jena

Altenburger Straße 10
07743 Jena